
This exhibition came about as two artists separately and together pursued their delight in the quirkiness of the particulars of donkeys, ducks and goats: their physical presence, eccentricity, humour and forthrightness.

all things counter, original, spare, strange

Exhibition of works on paper, drawings and prints, mixed media

Chia Moan and Pamela Vaughan April 1-29 2017 Blue Mountains Heritage Centre Blackheath

The exhibition title, Dappled Things, along with the phrase all things counter, original, spare, strange, are borrowed from Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem Pied Beauty. The poem, like this exhibition, celebrates the visual beauty of patterned things in nature – things made up of two or more colours and contrasting tones.


PAM VAUGHAN, artist and NAS lecturer

“The way she goes about creating which is also reflected in her artwork, is lively, often fun-filled, displays a spirit of enquiry and experimentation with media, and is at once both unpretentious and deeply reflective.”

 “During shared studio time, artmaking excursions in the bush, outings visiting donkeys and other critters for subject matter, participating in a number of group shows including ‘Dappled Things’ a two-artist endeavour in 2017, I have had the lovely opportunity of closely observing Chia’s art practice. Chia’s visual output no matter what the subject matter arises from her deeply felt and considered responses, including a range of emotions both light and intense, to what is placed in front of her. The resulting creations are always engaging and regularly powerful in their impact. “