
I make art to show my soul that I’m listening

– Pat Wiederspan-Jones

Drawing is my go-to for sanity, for gravity and for levity. On a good day the hand becomes like a needle registering a heartbeat on a graph, I am not consciously controlling it. It’s magical: an unpredictable,  surprising and integrated experience. The best thing is when I am surprised by what I do. Sometimes when I am cartooning I laugh out loud.

Other times the work feels repetitive, frustrating and pointless. Like any other practice, it shapes you.  You are constantly observing, looking in and looking out, noticing: pattern, colour, shape and sound. There is an ongoing dialectic between observation and creation, thinking and doing, connecting the internal and the external, conversing with the world.

In addition to my personal practice, I delight in the dynamism of working with others on creative projects.  I like the fizz and bounce of sharing ideas, creating events and inventing solutions.

Living in the Blue Mountains of NSW, Australia I spend a lot of time in the bush looking and listening,  drawing, painting, and trying to understand the power and complexity of this ancient and spectacular country.

Through the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute’s citizen science program I have become involved in eco-monitoring and am currently working on an arts /science collaboration called Recovery, through BMWHI. I feel so lucky to live here and to walk alongside the many people who are involved in caring for and monitoring the land and it’s flora and fauna. BMWHI, Blue Mountains City Council, many science bodies, academics, conservationists, dedicated individuals, seek to do this important auditing, to measure the life and the loss and the changes. This is precise, practical and tender work in which I am privileged to play a small part . 

Chia Moan studied political science and fine art at the University of British Columbia, an unlikely combination at the time, and went on to weave the threads of art and justice through a huge variety of jobs and careers.